(In English>>) あなたは、音楽の「癒す力」を体験したことがありますか?例えば、悲しく落ち込んでいる時に、優しい音色が聞こえてきて気持ちが少しラクになったり、不安な気持ちの時に、大好きなミュージシャンの音楽を聴いて元気づけられる。そんな体験をしたことは、ありませんか?
「舞台芸術」とは音楽や演劇、ダンスなど、舞台上で表現する芸術のことです。英語ではPerforming Arts(パフォーミングアーツ)といいます。
この秋、石川県で初開催された「いしかわ舞台芸術祭」の一環として、私は"Healing Harmony Project"(ヒーリング・ハーモニー・プロジェクト)という取り組みに関わらせていただきました。もともとはコロナがおさまった2022年頃に、石川県から「コロナ期に思春期を迎えた子供達が、マスクで自分を隠すことに慣れ、コロナが明けてもマスクを外せない事態が起きている。演劇の力を借りて、コミュニケーションの楽しさを思い出してもらえないか」というご相談を受けたところから始まりました。
今回の”Healing Harmony Project”は、当初の目的に加えて、舞台芸術の癒す力を活かして、心のケアを届ける活動へと発展していきました。計画を進める中で、日本のみならず、海外からも協力者が現れました。
米国出身のブロードウェイ俳優であり、ニューヨークの第一線で活躍する歌唱指導者のKaty Pfaffl(ケイティ・ファッフル)さん。彼女はミュージカル界の世界最高峰といわれるブロードウェイでの活動と同時に、NPO法人「Broadway Arts for Education (BAE=ベイ)」の共同設立者として、インドやハイチなど世界各地で、舞台芸術教育を通して心豊かな次世代育成に精力的に取り組まれています。
そして、トルコ出身のピアニスト、舞台芸術教育家、社会活動家のBenal Tanrisever(ベナル・タンリセバー)さん。彼女はジュリアード音楽院でピアノを学び、国際的な活躍をされながら、熱心な教育家として、トルコ・イスタンブールでパフォーミングアーツの学校(The BT Music House) を運営しています。
Healing Harmony Projectは、ベナルさんのトルコ被災地での経験と知恵もお借りできることになり、さらに、彼女の運営するパフォーミングアーツでミュージカルを学ぶ高校生4名も応援に駆けつけてくれることになりました。
復興への祈り、愛、熱意、協力が集まり、Healing Harmony Projectは、「舞台芸術、教育協力、国際交流を通して『癒しの輪』を広げるプロジェクト」となったのです。
今回のHealing Harmony Projectでは、以下の3つの輪が重なりました。
Harmony(ハーモニー)とは日本語で「和音」です。違う音が一緒に奏でられることで、新しい響きが生まれます。今回のHealing Harmony Projectでは、人種、言語、文化の違いを超えて、舞台芸術を通して「同じ人間」として繋がることで、新しい可能性が生まれました。
Noto Day 1(能登1日目):
Noto Day 2(能登2日目):
Kanazawa Day 1(金沢1日目):「 "The Greatest Showman”を歌おう」
映画”The Greatest Showman”の楽曲"THIS IS ME” (日本語訳:由水南)を学び、歌唱と振付に加え、参加者一人一人が「自分の言葉」を発言し、Healing Harmony Project ならではのパワフルなパフォーマンスを作り上げました。
Kanazawa Day 2(金沢2日目):赤羽ホールでのコンサート
・ケイティさん、ベナルさん、由水南によるトーク【テーマ:「悲しみとの向き合い方」 「トルコ・シリア地震から学んだこと」 「舞台芸術の『癒す力』について」 「舞台芸術が『教育の鍵』となる理由」】
・日本人、日本で学ぶ留学生、そしてトルコ人生徒による”THIS IS ME” 披露
初めての試みにも関わらず、あらゆる提案にお付き合いくださり、今回のHealing Harmony Projectを大成功に導いてくださった協力者の皆様、ご尽力いただいたスタッフの皆様、そして、会場にお越しいただいた皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。
今後とも Healing Harmony Project へのあたたかいご支援をどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
由水 南
Have you ever experienced the healing power of music? For example, when you are feeling sad or down, hearing gentle melodies can lighten your mood, or when you’re anxious, listening to music from your favorite musician can uplift your spirits. Have you had such experiences?
"Performing arts" refers to the arts expressed on stage, such as music, theater, and dance.
This fall, as part of the first Ishikawa Performing Arts Festival held in Ishikawa Prefecture (my home prefecture), I was invited to create and lead the Healing Harmony Project. It began around 2022, after the COVID-19 pandemic, when Ishikawa Prefecture approached me with concerns that children entering puberty during this time had become accustomed to hiding themselves behind masks, making it difficult to remove them even after the pandemic subsided. They wondered if we could use the power of theater to help them remember the joy of communication.
Expressing oneself takes courage. If you were asked to share your true feelings openly in front of others, you might feel nervous and excited.
For adolescents, this is a confusing time as they navigate changes in their bodies and minds. After becoming accustomed to hiding behind masks during the pandemic, the fear of expressing themselves likely goes far beyond what adults might imagine.
Thus, we started the plan: "Let's help them experience the joy of expressing their true selves through theater!"
However, on New Year's Day 2024, a major earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa. Just nine months later, as recovery efforts were underway, the region was hit by heavy rain, compounding the devastation. In this dire situation, voices expressing despair emerged: “My heart is broken.” Along with the restoration of basic living conditions, the need for "emotional recovery" became evident.
The Healing Harmony Project evolved to deliver emotional care by utilizing the healing power of performing arts, expanding beyond its original goals. Throughout this process, we received support not only from Japan but also from abroad.
Katy Pfaffl, a Broadway actor from the United States and a vocal coach active in New York, joined us. In addition to her work on Broadway, she is a co-founder of the NPO "Broadway Arts for Education (BAE)," actively fostering the next generation through performing arts education in countries like India and Haiti.
Also joining us was Dr. Benal Tanrisever, a pianist, performing arts educator, and social activist from Turkey. She studied piano at Juilliard and has performed all over the world. As a passionate educator, she runs a performing arts school (The BT Music House) in Istanbul.
Just a year before the Noto Peninsula earthquake, on February 6, 2023, a devastating earthquake struck Turkey and Syria. Benal trained around 150 facilitators for music workshops aimed at emotional care in the affected areas (also a Syrian refugee camp in Turkey) delivering this support to about 2,500 disaster survivors.
The Healing Harmony Project was very fortunate to bring Benal’s experiences and insights from Turkey, and she brought along four high school students studying musical theatre in her performing arts program to support our efforts.
Coincidentally, we later discovered that 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Turkey. This felt like a serendipitous connection, reinforcing our gratitude for this partnership.
Through prayers, love, enthusiasm, and collaboration for recovery, the Healing Harmony Project became a project to "expand the circle of healing through performing arts, educational cooperation, and cross-cultural exchange."
In this project, three key elements intertwined:
Emotional care through the healing power of the performing arts.
Educational cooperation by inviting global experts in performing arts education.
Cross-cultural exchange giving opportunities for Japanese and Turkish youth to connect through performing arts.
A stage cannot be created alone; it requires collaboration and connection with others. In other words, the stage is a space where we can connect beyond our differences.
The benefit of the performing arts lies in its ability to create connections that transcend differences, and therein lies healing.
Harmony is different sounds creating new resonances together. Through the Healing Harmony Project, new possibilities emerged as we connected as "fellow humans," transcending racial, linguistic, and cultural differences through the performing arts.
The project took place over four days from October 3 to 6, 2024 (two days in Noto and two days in Kanazawa).
Noto Day 1: "Theater and Music Workshops" for first and second-year students of the Nanao Shionomori High School Theater Department.
Noto Day 2
Visiting with the disaster survivors at their temporary housing. The Turkish students performed a few songs at the space provided by the certified NPO Rescue Stock Yard (RSY).
Concert at Anamizu Middle School (performances in Turkish and English Minami, Katy, and Turkish high school students, a music workshop by Benal, discussions with Katy, Benal, and Minami, and a group sing-along of "Furusato" and "Ue o Muite Arukou"(Look Up as You Walk) in Japanese).
Concert at the Noto Fureai Cultural Center.
Kanazawa Day 1: "Let's Sing 'The Greatest Showman'"A Broadway musical workshop led by Katy and Minami. Thirteen students aged 12 to 20 who live in Kanazawa and four Turkish high school students explored and articulated their individuality, engaging in exercises such as "I hope to live in a world where..." and "What I want the adults to know"
They learned the song "THIS IS ME" from the movie "The Greatest Showman" (Japanese translation by Minami), integrating singing and choreography, allowing each participant to express "their own words," culminating in a powerful performance unique to the Healing Harmony Project.
Kanazawa Day 2: Concert at Akabane Hall
Performances in Turkish and English by Minami, Katy and Turkish high school students.
Music workshop by Benal.
Discussions led by Katy, Benal, and Minami on topics like "Grieving" "Lessons Learned from the Turkey-Syria Earthquake," "The Healing Power of Performing Arts," and "Why Performing Arts is the missing link in Education."
Performance of "THIS IS ME" by Japanese students, international students studying in Japan, and Turkish students.
Group sing-along of "Furusato" and "Ue o Muite Arukou (Look Up as You Walk)" in Japanese
Despite this being our first attempt, thanks to everyone's incredible hard work, dedication, and warm support, everything went smoothly and this could not have gone any better.
I sincerely thank all the collaborators, the staff who worked tirelessly, and everyone who attended the events and concerts.
It turned out to be a much larger project than we initially imagined, and yet it exceeded our expectations.
I believe everyone who participated in this project had their heart touched, moved, and healed.
As we continue this project, I hope you'll join us with your warm support.
May healing reach as many wounded and broken hearts as possible through the power of the performing arts,
With love and gratitude,
Minami Yusui